The decorations have been taken down. All of the cookies have been eaten. A recycling bin full of bottles has been deposited.
Now if you are like many of us, it is time to start working on those New Year's Resolutions. Two of my resolutions this year are to (1) be healthier and (2) be more environmentally sound. So imagine my excitement when I came across the Climate Change Chocolate Bars. I know, I is chocolate. But a small amount of dark chocolate each day is both a great treat from the standard grilled chicken breast and salads that fill my life, but it's also packed with anti-oxidants.
And this is where the double benefit comes from...Climate Change Chocolates are good for the environment! Each chocolate bar is verified by TerraPass to offset 133 pounds of carbon dioxide - the average daily carbon footprint of Americans. And the wrapper of this bar contains 15 tips for how I can lighten my environmental impact. Sweet! Now I can lighten my environmental and gravitational impact by eating chocolate. 2009 is going to be a good year. --a

YUM! More of a reason to eat chocolate...I love it!
send some in my direction, any excuse for sweets...i down for it.
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