For those of you that follow Hip Hostess regularly, you've heard me talk about the baby boom in the lives of my friends and family...and how it causes me great confusion because of my lack of knowledge about bambinos and bambinas. But with the recent arrival of my beautiful new niece, I have found another aspect of babydom that I can understand and and portraits!
When my brother-in-law and his wife showed us the photos prints that they had received of their newborn, I was floored. These are not the Sears photos that my generation got when we were growing up! Their amazing photographer, Amy Tripple, did an outstanding job taking beautiful pictures that highlighted all of the things that we love about babies - their little toes & fingers, their little bums, and itty bitty fat rolls (I wish they were as cute at 31 as they are at 3 weeks).

1 comment:
Hi I am a begginer photographer and blogger, I saw the photos of the beautiful babies on your blog.
I wanted to invite you to see my 2 new blogs and see what you think of my photo work.
Would love to hear your opinion
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