Thursday, March 27, 2014

Estate Sale Look Book

After looking at my accumulation of odds and ends collected from estate sales, I decided to try to be more organized.  I still want to have fun and be able to grab items that I find interesting but I want to have more of a focus.  There is in fact alot of furniture pieces that I see that are definitely good buys but I don't have the space to store or the space to refurbish.  So, I must stick to the little projects for the time being.  After perusing for hours I believe the following are my estate sale look book for the next couple of weeks.

Milk Glass-I would like some milk glass pieces to use as planters.  I love the look and they feel like Spring an add a touch of romanticism to the room.  These pieces go fast though so I need to be on task.

Bench/Ottoman-I love this look and am on the hunt for a bench that is more sculptural like the one below.  Almost every house has something similar but usually in a heavier wood piece.  My eyes are open for something that feels a little lighter.

Mirrors-Can you ever have enough mirrors?  These are usually in piles in the basement and I'm going to take the time to dig through in hopes of finding the perfect treasure.

Plates-I love the playful look of these plates.  They add a great pop of color to an entryway.  Plus plates are literally at every house for $1, so it is just a matter of picking out the perfect ones.

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