Wednesday, June 12, 2013


My husband and I eat dinner on the sofa in front of the tv almost every night.  Even though we have a perfectly lovely dining table.  I know it's not a great practice but there is something very relaxing after a long day to set in front of one of your favorite shows with a fantastic dinner.  That being said, the not so fantastic part is that we usually balance the plates on our laps or on magazines or half on/half off the coffee table.  It is anything but graceful.

The problem is chic t.v trays just do not exist.  They are all ugly and wooden or look like something you would get from a hospital.  Hence the balancing act continues.

When I saw the post over at Hi Sugarplum and saw the way she transformed an ordinary table with some fantastic Mexican art called Otomi the idea was born.  Honestly, I've never heard of that term before but you better believe it will be coming out of my mouth alot after seeing this transformation.  Now I just have to find some tv trays that are Otomi makeover friendly and it's on!

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