Friday, October 26, 2012

Guest Blogger-Lauren Leighton

Well everyone if you are sick of looking at caramel apples for the last few days you are in luck because I have a couple guest blogs coming you way.  First up is Lauren Leighton who is an adorable young lady who works for O Magazine and kindly saw me drowning in Halloween events and decided to offer up her favorite cold remedy.  Check it out it sounds delicious!

It was no surprise to me when I woke up the other morning with a runny nose, sore throat and achy body. Everyone around me was sick and it was bound to happen. It took me a full two weeks to feel better, but I can attribute bouncing back to an easy coconut soup recipe I found on Pinterest. The original blogger who featured the soup mentioned its healing capabilities for the common cold, so I figured I had to try it. 

On my way home from work, with sniffles and tissues in tow, I stopped by the grocery store to collect all of the necessary ingredients to make the soup. Just to give you a little background on me, I am not very domestic. I love to cook and clean, but when it comes to simple entertaining or domesticity, I tend to freeze up! So if I could make this soup in less than an hour, so can you.

After collecting everything at the store, I waddled home and began cooking. See below for the recipe and all ingredients. The fish sauce kind of wigged me out, but other than that, this coconut soup, also known as Tom Ka, is fool proof, delicious and proved to have magical healing powers.


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