Monday, May 14, 2012

Sake it to me!


I like to think that I have a pretty good handle on the world of libations.  If a menu full of signature cocktails sits before me, I can navigate my way to something that will suit my taste no matter how foreign some of the ingredients.  If a wine list the size of War & Peace is plopped in my lap, I can find a region and varietal that will pair nicely with my meal.  But when I am faced with choices of sake, I pretty much just close my eyes, point to a selection, and hope for the best.

So when my local wine merchant absolutely RAVED about the new Hiro Junmai Ginjo Sake, my ears perked up. With a palatte that is"crisp and smooth, with hints of fruits and vanilla, and a savory sweet potato bread, white mushroom, tart cherry and jicama subtle nuances", what isn't to like?  So now I finally have a go-to sake!  Aren't you proud?

And because sakes do make for a lovely cocktail, I might even try this recommendation from Hiro, The Super Hiro.

The Super Hiro
2.5 oz Hiro Junmai Ginjo Sake
1 oz vodka
1 Japanese cucumber cut into rounds for garnish

Pour Hiro Junmai Ginjo Sake and vodka in a cocktail shaker over cubed ice and shake well. Strain into a martini glass and garnish with a slice of Japanese cucumber.

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