Tomorrow we are all just a wee bit Irish because of St Patty's Day. And there are a few givens for this wonderful holiday...
1. You will hear bagpipes wailing.
2. You will wear some form of green.
3. And you will either drink green beer or a Guinness at some point in the day...and we won't judge you if it is before noon just this one day of the year.
But as much as I love Guinness, I thought there might be some good thoroughly Irish options that could be added to the repertoire without offending my Celtic clan. And there are. Here's a great article from Epicurious with a few nice alternatives.
And I actually have one more to add to the list, Magner's Cider. It's a favorite of some of our friends from Ireland and you simply must drink it over ice. It sounds weird, but is delicious and refreshing.
So don't be afraid to mix it up this year for St. Patty's. And you might even impress your "real" Irish friends with your expanded options.
I live in Northern Ireland and we often drink our Magners with a shot of blackcurrant syrup (like Ribena). It is delicious!