Monday, December 12, 2011

Ona SLR Bags

Photography and Fashion.

Recently my husband and I have jumped into the world of "fancy" cameras by upgrading to a Cannon DSLR. To protect this expensive investment, we ran out immediately and bought a camera bag. But I wish that I hadn't been so quick to do so, because I just ran across Ona Camera bags. *Sigh*

Isn't this just gorgeous? Love love love. And this bag isn't just about beauty, check out the inside of it and how organized your camera supplies could be:

Again...sigh. And the man in your life don't need to be left out either. They have really stylish options for him as well.

So now I have a new deal with the hubby. He and I will work very hard to become really good at using our "fancy pants" camera, and then we will reward our hard work with a "fancy pants" camera bag :)


  1. Ooh I envy you your fancy camera! I'm hoping to get one for our first anniversary (even though that's months away ha). Definitely do a review post sometime to let us know how you like it!

    ~Stop Me if You've Heard This One

  2. As a rookie photographer, I can understand how important is the safety of cameras and their equipment is for us. I literally spent an hour finding the best camera bag price in Pakistan.
