Friday, August 19, 2011

Vegan Antlers???

One of my favorite Wicker Park hangouts in Chicago is Bangers and Lace. They have a great beer menu, amazing tastes to nosh, and a very homey urban rustic decor...complete with a few antlers, deer heads, and taxidermy. It just seems to work in this place, especially when I'm on beer number 2 or 3.

But the idea of having my very own set of antlers at home always freaked me out a bit. I was afraid that some bad juju from our dearly departed dear would befall my apartment. And then I saw these Guilt Free Vegan Antlers from The New Woodsman....I kind of love them.

Made of resin instead of the real deal, the Vegan Antlers are available in a large assortment of colors that adds a modern twist to a classically rustic decorative item.

And while you may not find this Vegan item at Whole Foods with your Vegan cookies, these antlers will be just as at home in your pad.