Monday, May 16, 2011

DIY 4th of July Confetti Bottle Rockets

You are probably saying, “This girl has lost her mind”, it is not even June yet. I know, I know, but this project seems a little time consuming, but oh so cute. I want to give you plenty of time to gather supplies and construct a couple, here and there, on rainy days or in front of the TV.

I think these confetti rockets are adorable for outdoor décor for your Fourth of July get-together. They get to look cute all day and then either fun for the kids to pull the string or in my case drunken adults.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. At, they sell the specially treated cardboard strips that make the crackers "pop," as well as other cracker components that could be used in making the bottle rockets. Here is the website:
    Now to reconfigure the bottle rocket plan to incorporate a snap!
