Thursday, June 3, 2010

Lime or Orange?

Chaser choice.

As we have mentioned in past posts, Hip Hostess was in Puerto Rico in April coordinating a destination wedding. The first few days Amber and I were all business. But as soon as the final i was dotted and t crossed and the bride and groom blissfully happy on the way to their honeymoon, it was time for a little celebrating.

The first thing Amber did was bring a tray of tequila shots to the table. Now this is not out of the ordinary for us but what was out of the ordinary is the way they were served…with an orange slice covered with cinnamon. We were intrigued by this new accompaniment in place of the usual lime and promptly did a taste test…again and again.

In the end, we couldn’t decide whether we liked the lime or the orange better. So, we decided you shouldn’t have to choose. At your next get together where tequila will be served buy your limes and salt but don’t forget the oranges and cinnamon as well. Let your guests decide lime or orange?


  1. Orange with sugar is how I take my tequila and I LOVE IT!

  2. Oh, I love tequila with cinnamon and an orange. Here in Germany we call it tequila gold when we order....

    Alright, I have to go catch the happy hour now...

  3. Never heard of this but such a great tip. Can't wait to try it out. DOWN THE HATCH!!!

  4. I can't wait to try this..I now have to follow you!
