Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sarah's House

TV Show Obsession.

You always hear how important it is to have a diversified portfolio. I feel the same way about my TiVo line-up. I like to balance a healthy dose of cooking shows, comedies, dramas, brainlessness (hello Housewives of any city), and interior design/home repair. My current obsession is HGTV's Sarah's House.

The concept of the show is that she purchases a home that needs TLC from top to bottom and transforms the entire she-bang one room at a time under very real budget constraints. I have a background in interior design, and it is so nice to see a show that highlights attainable remodeling/renovation goals in a cohesive overall scheme. And Sarah's style is fresh and fun to watch. I highly recommend that you add it to your TiVo line-up as well.


  1. Thanks for the tip - I just set it to record, can't wait to watch my first episode.

  2. Good to know about the show! I'll have to look for it. I love interior design...although I am no good at it. I pay the professionals. =)

  3. I am a huge fan. Love Sarah's style.

  4. I just saw a new preview where she's doing her country house. It starts March 9. I love Sarah's design.
