Monday, January 4, 2010

Trends 2010


I love to look at all the lists of trends, predictions and ins & outs for the coming year. What I found this year is that Hip Hostess and their readers are way too hip for their own good! Take for instance, the chef survey from 2010…many of the hot list items were covered by Hip Hostess in 2009.

In addition to these lists, I think we should be able to classify one food from the past year as “a classic that never goes out of style or becomes blase.” Then you would have your trendy list and your classic list which would be perfectly acceptable to mix for events. I would revive the molten lava cake from a few years back. Even though chain restaurants carry it now, there is something about a bunch of hot, gooey chocolate flowing out of a mini cake that gets me every time.

I found this list from Epicurious to be interesting because they showed the coming trends as well as the old trend that is on its way out. Some I agree with and some I don’t…in my book a good burger never goes out of style and don’t get me started about pork.

Take a look and I would love to know what you would add to your classic list?

Front Burner: Fried Chicken
Back Burner: Burgers

Front Burner: Mini Whoopie pies
Back Burner: Mini cupcakes

Front Burner: Lamb
Back Burner: Pork

Health Trend:
Front Burner: Eating an immunity-building diet
Back Burner: Dining on Omega 3’s

Front Burner: Butcher
Back Burner: Mixologist

Front Burner: Homemade Beer
Back Burner: Mad-science cocktails

Entertaining Trend:
Front Burner: Potlucks
Back Burner: Formal dinners at home


  1. Mac & Cheese...gourmet or straight out of a blue box, it's always classic and delicious.

  2. I am totally in agreement with the potlucks!!

  3. Love this, and I totally agree with you about a good burger.
    Seems like 2010 will bring about more local food and community cooking - BBQs and potlucks, farmers markets and fresh, seasonal ingredients.
