Saturday, January 9, 2010

Lighten You Linens

Visual Decluttering.

I like to do a lot of reorganization this time of year. When you are seeking solace from the cold in your home, you want you life as decluttered as possible. So when reading organizing tips in January's Better Homes and Gardens, I was so pleased to see a tip that I've been following for years: Buy only white towels and bedsheets.

There are many reasons that this works well. (1) All white creates a cohesive spa-like look to everything throughout your house. (2) All white towels and sheets pretty much match if you end up with an odd man out over time...which I always do. (3) When the inevitable stains occur, just bleach the heck out of everything and they are right back as good as new. (4) When you decide it is time to change the paint color in your bedroom or bathroom again, your linens will always match.


  1. I am a big fan of white as well. I use white towels in the kitchen and bathrooms and white sheets for the beds. You are right, the ability to bleach makes a big difference in keeping things fresh and clean.

  2. So elegant, I love using all white as well. It's like a fancy hotel!
