Monday, January 25, 2010

Edible Snack Bowl


I saw this edible snack bowl made out of Chex snack mix in the latest Food Network magazine. To be honest, I am not sure what I think? On one hand it is kind of a cool novelty and might add some “wow” factor to your snack table.

However, I might be frustrated if I saw Chex mix and wasn’t able to eat it until the dip or other contents where gone. Then would I want to eat it after everyone dipped their munchies in it?

I’ll let you decide. Should snack mix be an objet d’art or should it remain just a salty treat?


  1. I saw this too... and I thought "man, how would you EAT that bowl?"

  2. I hear you...I think the only way it would work is if everyone had their own mini snack bowl...but still like the previous commentor would you eat that gracefully?

  3. I actually love this idea! And I think it would be a big hit at my house!

  4. I love it awesome..can you imagine the comments!!! lol

    m :)

  5. I love it! Hysterical, my kids would go nuts (as a matter of fact I might put nuts in the bowl!)
