Friday, December 18, 2009

A Clementine Christmas

Decorating for the holidays.

Living in a small apartment does not afford this Hip Hostess a lot of space to store a ton of Christmas decorations. If I have an extra 2' x 2' space in my closet, you better bet that I'm going to utilize it for important things like spare sheets, towels, or shoes. But then what is holiday hostess supposed to do when December is in full swing?

The answer is to decorate with items that you can buy at any grocery store, bodega, or farmers market - clementine oranges. They look great, smell great, and offer a wealth of opportunities to spruce things up. Here are some of my favorite uses of this festive fruit.

Sources: Little White Book, ♥Anna, Real Simple, Gret Design, Hip Hostess,
Martha Stewart, Golly_G, Alli411, Maralina


  1. wow! those are really very pretty. I love clementines though I'd eat them all before decorating them.

  2. wow! these are so nice! I have to agree with the comment from Michelle....I'd eat them up so quickly though before the decorating even began! ;)

  3. Love these...such a nice, festive touch :)
