Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Managing Mending Materials

Organization Idea.

Every Spring and Fall when I switch out my clothes, I usually undertake a few organizing projects to add a little more order in my life. Ironically, while organizing some old magazine issues I found a great idea in a 2007 Martha Stewart Mag on how to add some order to another part of my life.

If you are anything like me, you quickly get overwhelmed by the spare buttons and threads that come with new clothing purchases. It doesn't take long before they take over your sewing kits. I currently have two tins filled with those little packets and do you think I could every actually find what I needed if I did lose a button? Nope.

That is why I think this idea below is genius. All you need is plastic business card organizers and a binder. You can label each divider with a small piece of paper, so that finding the appropriate supplies when needed is a snap. Now I can hardly wait to get my sewing kit in order!


  1. I definitely need to do that!! Mine are all thrown into an envelope and I have no idea what piece of clothing they belong to!

  2. Fantastic idea!! ^_^
    I realized it and put on my blog with your link!


